#!/bin/sh # # Purpose: Start the server # Author : pc2@ecs.csus.edu # $HeadURL$ # # Set the default Heap Size for 32-bit and 64-bit Java JAVA64BIT_HEAPSIZE=4G JAVA32BIT_HEAPSIZE=1600M . `dirname $0`/pc2env # MacOS or not if [ -f /mach_kernel ]; then # set our dock name (otherwise defaults to Starter) PC2XOPS="-Xdock:name=`basename $0`" else PC2XOPS="" fi # default to 4G HEAPPARAM=$JAVA64BIT_HEAPSIZE JAVA32=0 # if we are not running a 64bit java reduce to 1.6G java -d64 -version 2>&1 | grep -q "Error" && JAVA32=1 # found a 32bit java if [ $JAVA32 == "1" ]; then # reduce the heap size HEAPPARAM=$JAVA32BIT_HEAPSIZE # now check the OS, checking for 64 bit uname -m 2>&1 | grep -q "x86_64" && clear && echo WARNING: We detected a 32 bit java running on a 64 bit OS. && echo && echo We recommend that you run PC^2 Server using a 64 bit version of Java to allow && echo for the best results. && echo echo Note: We have set the Java Heap size to $HEAPPARAM for your 32-bit Java system, echo but this may be too small to run the PC^2 Server. echo echo You can increase the Heap size to whatever the maximum allowed on your machine echo is by editing the JAVA32BIT_HEAPSIZE constant at the start of the echo \"pc2server\" file. fi java $PC2XOPS -Xmx$HEAPPARAM -cp "$libdir/*" edu.csus.ecs.pc2.Starter --server $* # eof pc2team $Id$