@echo off rem rem pc2reset.bat - Completely reset and erase contest data rem USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION rem rem $HeadURL$ rem rem Windows 2000 and beyond syntax set PC2BIN=%~dp0 if exist %PC2BIN%\pc2env.bat goto :continue rem fallback to path (or current directory) set PC2BIN=%0\.. if exist %PC2BIN%\pc2env.bat goto :continue rem else rely on PC2INSTALL variable set PC2BIN=%PC2INSTALL%\bin if exist %PC2BIN%\pc2env.bat goto :continue echo. echo ERROR: Could not locate scripts. echo. echo Please set the variable PC2INSTALL to the location of echo the VERSION file (ex: c:\pc2-9.0.0) echo. pause goto :end :continue call %PC2BIN%\pc2env.bat set RMCMD=rmdir /s /q if %OS%. == . set RMCMD=deltree /y rem directories have "nul" rem clients have a logs directory if exist logs\nul goto backup rem servers have a profiles directory if exist profiles\nul goto backup goto wrongdir :backup echo Backing up settings to archive call %PC2BIN%\pc2zip.bat if exist logs/nul %RMCMD% logs if exist packets/nul %RMCMD% packets if exist reports/nul %RMCMD% reports if exist profiles/nul %RMCMD% profiles if exist results/nul %RMCMD% results if exist profiles.properties del profiles.properties rem the /D option requires "Command Extensions" to be enabled. rem By default they are enabled, but are not available in win98 and before. for /D %%F in (executes*) do if exist %%F/nul %RMCMD% %%F goto end :wrongdir echo. echo Not in directory to reset, should be run from dir with logs or profiles echo. goto end :trouble echo. echo Could not find archive directory, was pc2zip successful? echo. :end rem eof pc2reset.bat $Id$