/* Copyright (C) 1989-2019 PC2 Development Team: John Clevenger, Douglas Lane, Samir Ashoo, and Troy Boudreau. */ /* * File: isumit.c * Purpose: to sum the integers from stdin * Author: pc2@ecs.csus.edu or http://www.ecs.csus.edu/pc2 * * Tue Nov 1 16:21:04 PDT 2016 * * */ #include #define INFILENAME "sumit.dat" int main (char **argv) { int sum = 0; int i; while (1==fscanf(stdin, "%d", &i)) { sum += i > 0 ? i : 0; } printf("The sum of the integers is %d\n",sum); return 0; } /* eof isumit.c */