@echo off REM Copyright (C) 1989-2019 PC2 Development Team: John Clevenger, Douglas Lane, Samir Ashoo, and Troy Boudreau. rem File: compilePerl.bat rem Purpose: Used to compile/use Perl with PC^2 rem Author: pc2@ecs.csus.edu rem rem Dependencies: perl rem rem pc2 language settings: rem rem Display Name : Perl rem Compile Command Line : compilePerl {:mainfile} rem Executable Filename specification : OK rem Program Execution Command Line : perl {:mainfile} rem rem $HeadURL$ rem if exist %1 goto compile: echo No perl source specified or file '%1' does not exist goto end: :compile perl -c %1 %2 %3 if ERRORLEVEL 0 echo > OK :end rem eof compilePerl $Id$