Filename | Description |
account22.load.txt | Sample load accounts file |
accounts.txt | Sample load accounts file |
index.html | Sample index file |
pc2v9.ini | sample pc2v9.ini file |
reject.finals.ini | Judgements for ICPC finals |
reject.ini | Sample Judgements ini file |
reject.pacnw.ini | Judgements for Pacific NW finals |
sleep.exe | Win32 implementation of Unix sleep command | | Sample UI class settings file |
scripts/compilePerl | Compile Perl script |
scripts/compilePerl.bat | Compile Perl batch file |
scripts/compilegcc | Compile gcc script |
scripts/compilekcc | Compile Kylix script |
scripts/loopprint | Example of a Unix device to print balloons |
scripts/validiff.bat | Sample external validator script, Win32 |
scripts/validiff | Sample external validator script, Unix |
src/ | Sample generates a Java class mismatch nbame error |
src/ | Sample creates no output |
src/ | Sumit problem Java solution |
src/hello.ans | Sample Judge's answer file for Hello World |
src/hello.c | Hello world C solution |
src/hello.cpp | Hello world C++ solution |
src/hello.f | Hello world FORTRAN solution |
src/ | Hello world Java solution |
src/hello.pas | Hello world Pascal solution |
src/ | Hello world Perl solution |
src/ | Hello world SmallTalk solution |
src/isumit.c | Sumit problem C solution, read from stdin |
src/isumit.cpp | Sumit problem C++ solution, read from stdin |
src/isumit.dpr | Sumit problem Delphi solution, read from stdin |
src/ | Sumit problem Java solution for sumit problem, read from stdin |
src/ | Sample 2 generates a Java class mismatch nbame error |
src/nooutput.c | C source to create no output |
src/nooutput.cpp | C++ source to create no output output |
src/practice.ans | Practice problem answer file |
src/practice.c | Practice problem C solution |
src/practice.cpp | Practice problem C++ solution |
src/practice.dat | Practice problem input data |
src/ | Practice problem Java solution |
src/sumit.ans | Sumit Problem judge answer file |
src/sumit.c | Sumit Problem C solution |
src/sumit.cpp | Sumit Problem C++ solution |
src/sumit.dat | Sumit Problem judge input/data file |
src/sumit.dpr | Sumit Problem Delphi solution |
src/sumit.f | Sumit Problem FORTRAN solution |
src/sumit.pas | Sumit Problem Pascal solution |
src/ | Sumit Problem Perl solution |
src/ | Sumit Problem Smalltalk solution |
web/acm-icpc.gif | ICPC image file |
web/acm.gif | ACM image file |
web/banner.png | Banner image |
web/distribute_score | sample Unix script to upload pc2 HTML files to web server |
web/ | Perl script create rotating HTML files for standings HTML |
web/rotate_summary | Perl script create rotating HTML files for standings summary HTML |
web/standings.css | CSS for standings |
web/xsl/README | README for using xsl these files |
web/xsl/group1.xsl | Sample XSLT to produce group1.html |
web/xsl/groupN.xsl | Sample XSLT to produce groupN.html |
web/xsl/index.xsl | Sample XSLT to produce index for groups |
web/xsl/wf.groupN.xsl | Sample ICPC World Finals pc2 group XLST file |
web/xsl/wf.index.xsl | Sample ICPC World Finals pc2 index XLST file |
web/xsl/wf.standings.xsl | Sample ICPC World Finals pc2 standings XLST file |