REM Copyright (C) 1989-2019 PC2 Development Team: John Clevenger, Douglas Lane, Samir Ashoo, and Troy Boudreau. rem Purpose: to be called by the other scripts to setup the environment rem Author : rem $HeadURL$ rem Change these (& uncomment) for non-standard installations rem set libdir=..\lib rem set mclbdir=..\lib rem try development locations first if exist %0\..\..\dist\pc2.jar set libdir=%0\..\..\dist if exist %0\..\..\vendor\lib\mclb.jar set mclbdir=%0\..\..\vendor\lib rem then try the distribution locations if exist %0\..\..\lib\pc2.jar set libdir=%0\..\..\lib if exist %0\..\..\lib\mclb.jar set mclbdir=%0\..\..\lib if x%libdir% == x goto nolibdir goto checkmclb :nolibdir echo Could not find pc2.jar, please check your installation rem XXX we really want to do a break here pause :checkmclb if x%mclbdir% == x goto nomclb set pc2_classpath=%libdir%\pc2.jar;%mclbdir%\mclb.jar set pc2_classpath_mail=%pc2_classpath%;%mclbdir%\activation.jar;%mclbdir%\mailapi.jar;%mclbdir%\smtp.jar goto end :nomclb echo Could not find mclb.jar, please check your installation rem XXX we really want to do a break here pause :end rem continue what you were doing... rem eof pc2env.bat $Id$