This provides an overview of how pc2 transforms the XSLT files into HTML used by the ICPC Finals and Pacific Northwest Contest. The scoreboard module looks 1st for xsl in ./data/xsl, if that directory does not exist, it falls back to the data/xsl directory under the pc2 installation directory. index.xsl Sample index as used at the ACM-ICPC Pacific Northwest Contest. Includes links to group?.html files group1.xsl groupN.xsl Sample per-group(region/site) files. group1.xsl is for the 1st group defined in PC^2. Copy and replace the N with the additional groups (eg the 2nd group is 2 and would be in group2.xsl) or wf.index.xsl Like the summary.html, but with the ACM-ICPC World Finals ranking system. Includes links to the group?.html files wf.groupN.xsl Like the above groupN.xsl, except with ACM-ICPC World Finals ranking system. wf.standings.xsl The end of the contest final standings with Honorable Mention and SuperRegion champions. If wf.index.xsl is placed in the data/xsl directory, an html called wf.index.html will be created by the scoreboard module. Typically if you are going to use the world finals ranking system you would call this index.xsl/group.xsl (eg remove the "wf." part). Questions? email to # $Id$